Week ~ 24 Blogs ~ 3 Incredible Prizes!
Learn a little about Isaiah’s Legacy and enter multiple giveaways while picking up CLUES at each stop. Compile all the clues, submit the final PHRASE at the last stop, and you’ll be entered to win one of 3 Grand Prizes!
What are the prizes? They’re completely unique to the winners!
Mesu will contact each winner personally to chat about what they would most like to see in Israel, and then she’ll SHOP for just the right gift while touring Israel, March 6-19! She’ll then purchase a personal and memorable gift specifically chosen for each of those three winners and ship them to each one when she returns. How fun is that?!
How does the Scavenger Hunt & Blog Tour Work?• Begin at Stop #1. At the end, you’ll find a CLUE and a link to the next stop. Progress to each stop IN ORDER.• Collect all the clues—in order—and submit the full phrase at the last blog stop in the Rafflecopter form. Every stop has a clue, so be sure not to skip any along the way!• You may enter the final giveaway only once and win only one grand prize. • The Hunt begins 2/19/20 at noon EDT. Deadline for entries is Tuesday, 02/25 at midnight Eastern.• For best results, hunt through our list using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have a wholeweek! As you visit each blog, it’s our hope that you get to know Mesu’s BFF team and discover the heart behind Isaiah’s Legacy.
My name is Patti Stephenson, and Isaiah’s Legacy is the third book I’ve helped promote on Mesu’s BFF team. I love the depth of research and biblical accuracy I can count on with her novels.
Unfamiliar with King Manasseh’s story from the Bible? Why not read about his parents too? Take advantage of the Waterbrook BOGO special! Buy Isaiah’s Legacy, and get Isaiah’s Daughter (with a signed booked plate from Mesu) as a FREE GIFT! (Details at: wmbooks.com/IsaiahsLegacyBOGO)
Thanks for stopping by! Remember to write down your CLUE before clicking to the next stop.
Here’s the Stop #25 Stuff!
Clue to write down: Legacy
Link to STOP #26: WELCOME TO STOP #26
Bookmark STOP #1 so you can check the tour schedule and get back on track if at any point you get lost or find a broken link.
Enjoy the hunt!