Heartwarming, emotionally charged saga of a small Southern town’s struggle for survival and two women’s challenge to balance family and career.
As a Hollywood film crew and famous movie stars swoop into Willow Falls to film a full-length motion picture, the small town’s new normal as a popular North Georgia tourist destination is thrown into chaos.
Rachel Streetman fears her life-long dream to act is drifting into oblivion and leaving behind bitter regret. Weeks away from marrying Charlie Bricker, the manager of the town’s new winery, Rachel wonders if auditioning for a role in the movie will boost her lackluster career or open the door to a lifestyle incompatible with the small-town life she has come to accept.
Rachel’s twin sister, Emily Hayes, also has a dream—to be a famous author. But the release of her debut novel is upstaged by the Hollywood invasion. When she and Rachel accept the job as the director’s liaisons, their patience is stretched to the limit by starstruck residents.
Can these two sisters survive the chaos in Willow Falls and still achieve their dreams?
Starstruck in Willow Falls, Book 3 in the Willow Falls series, celebrates small towns with dialogue-rich stories and relatable characters facing life’s challenges. This series has moments that tug on the heartstrings punctuated with touches of mystery, romance, and humor.
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Here’s what I’ve loved about reading the “Willow Falls” series: I grew up in a small southern town, and author Pat Nichols has captured that “small town feel” in an authentic way. The community of Willow Falls has its own unique characters, and it’s been fun following their stories in these books.
In this new book, the town is truly “Starstruck” because of the major motion picture that is filming in Willow Falls. There are many adjustments that have to be made by the people of the town to accommodate the filming crew. However, the film crew is also having to adjust to the small town ways of Willow Falls. This leads to some humorous and some “almost but not quite” over-the-top situations between the director and some of the most persistent citizens.
Twin sisters Rachel and Emily are the liaisons between the film crew and the town. They are each trying to decide how to balance planning Rachel’s wedding; Emily’s new book release; and major family situations along with the pressure of making sure all is going well with their family. The main focus of this book is on Rachel, who has some major career decisions that might conflict with her upcoming wedding. This author’s strength is in creating memorable, interesting characters that you come to care about, and I’d read this series just to keep up with Rachel and Emily.
There’s just the right touch of fun, romance, and drama all the way throughout this storyline. There’s really not much mention of faith in this book, other than the characters attending church. But it’s a clean, sweet and moral book, and I enjoyed reading every page.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
Award winning author, Pat Nichols is proving it’s never too late to follow your dreams. She writes emotionally charged contemporary stories about women who face tension-laced challenges and heart-warming triumphs as they pursue their dreams. The Secret of Willow Inn introduces readers to Willow Falls, a small southern town on the brink of failure. Readers rave about the opinionated, quirky, lovable, cast of characters. The Willow Falls series will appeal to Debbie Macomber, Ane Mulligan, and Jan Karon fans. Willow Falls Series: The Secret of Willow Inn The Trouble in Willow Falls Book Three releases 2021