The Teacher (Amish Country Brides)
Will Martha and Jaden get a shot at love, or is their relationship doomed to end before even begins?
At the age of thirty-one, Martha Miller’s chances of finding a life mate are basically nil in her Amish community. That is, until she reunites with her one-time friend, bachelor Jaden Beachy, at her niece’s wedding. Maybe Der Herr hasn’t forgotten about her status as a single woman after all. Although they agree to exchange letters after the wedding, he remains emotionally aloof, and Martha is determined to find out why.
Jaden Beachy didn’t expect to see Martha Miller ever again after her family moved away to Indiana when the two of them were just scholars. Even at the tender age of eight, Jaden had been attracted to kind Martha. But Jaden carries a deep secret that he’s never shared with anybody—a secret that could send Martha fleeing to the hills.
When Jaden’s older brother Josiah informs him that their school is in need of a teacher, and invites him to come stay with him in Indiana, Jaden takes a leap of faith. Perhaps moving away can help him forget about his past failures. But living in the next district over from Martha’s, along with their close family ties, will guarantee they’ll run into each other. Especially since Martha teaches at the school in her Amish community.
Will Jaden dare share his secret with Martha? Or should he sever their relationship as soon as possible to save her from inevitable heartbreak?
Book six in the bestselling Amish Country Brides series!
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My Review:
This book is different from many Amish books that I’ve read recently and is even different than the other books that preceded it in this series.
I feel that I need to state this in the very beginning of this review: Be aware that this book does not have a “simple and sweet” storyline. It portrays the Amish in a very “real” way. In their Amish society, they struggle with issues such as homosexuality; sexual abuse; and the impact of being pregnant and unmarried. The characters in this book are portrayed as people who have to make difficult choices and struggle with the impact that other people’s decisions can have on their own lives. The author’s viewpoint on these issues come from a Biblical worldview and she expands on that as these characters have to confront these issues in their personal lives and society.
I have to admit to being surprised as I read this book, because as I mentioned above, it’s not the normal Amish novel that I usually get for review. At one point, I wasn’t sure where this storyline was going or if I wanted to finish the book. But since I’ve read many of this author’s books, I trusted her to write this story with wisdom and insight, and she did just that. All scenes in the book are written in an appropriate way, and in a thoughtful manner.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
About J.E.B. Spredemann
USA Today Bestselling Author Jennifer (J.E.B.) Spredemann seeks to pen compelling stories that captivate readers and bring glory to GOD. She has penned three dozen Amish fiction titles in her (what readers have deemed) “can’t-put-down” writing style, two of which have won awards. She resides in Indiana Amish Country with her family on a former Amish farm where the documentary Breaking the Silence was filmed. “…Spredemann weaves a thread of love and intrigue into a quilt of faith and values.” – reader review
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ABOUT MY BOOKS…It seems like every series I’ve written has been unique:
AMISH GIRLS SERIES: (co-authored with my daughters) is a fun series set in Pennsylvania, and is geared for teens (although many of my older readers have said they thoroughly enjoyed it!) (8 books + 2 tie-ins)
AMISH BY ACCIDENT TRILOGY: Amish by Accident was originally a stand-alone book (my first book released!) It was SO different (that was my crazy imagination kicking in), I was unsure how readers would respond (or if anyone would even read it, LOL). And then the reviews started coming in! As of today, the book has 700+ Amazon reviews with a 4.5 STAR average! PRAISE THE LORD!!! I ended up writing a sequel and a prequel, thus the trilogy. 🙂 (3 books)
AMISH SECRETS SERIES: Oh, boy! This series tackles some pretty intense topics that you likely won’t read about in your mainstream Amish fiction books. The first book in this series, An Unforgivable Secret is currently FREE in ebook. This was another one that I was unsure how it would resound with readers. It currently has 1500+ Amazon reviews with a 4.5 STAR average! GOD IS GOOD! (7 books)
AMISH FAIRY TALES: (originally ‘FAIRLY’ TALES, on purpose, but not everybody ‘gets’ my twist on words) Basically loose retellings of Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast, Amish-style (2 books, #3 on the backburner)
AMISH BIBLE ROMANCES: the Bible stories of Isaac & Rebekah; Jacob, Rachel, & Leah; Joseph; Ruth; and David loosely told in an Amish context. (5 books so far)
AMISH COUNTRY BRIDES: Sweet faith-filled romances set in Indiana (5 books so far)
STAND-ALONE STORIES: Love Impossible (Amish Dreams) this is kind of a Twilight Zone type of story, Unlikely Santa (An Amish Christmas Story) LOVED writing this one, and its sequel Unlikely Sweethearts.