Publisher Description:
In Old Testament times, a name was not only an identification but also an identity. Many times, a special meaning was attached to a name. The names of God reveal His identity, and they have special meanings. All throughout Scripture God reveals Himself to us. Much of the Old Testament is where He reveals Himself through His names. As we study these 16 names of God we will better understand Who He is. The meanings of His names uncover the central personality and nature of the One Who is our Strong Tower.
Let’s run to that Strong Tower of the names of God together, friend!
This could be one of the most exciting and encouraging studies you have ever participated in.
Through this study, you will
- see His character unfold in ways you’ve never seen before.
- recognize how closely related His names are to His character.
- become even more personally committed to following Him.
- understand His steadfast love toward you and who you are in Him.
These 16 names of God are presented in the order that they are revealed to us in God’s Word—the Bible. As we study each of these 16 names we will see His character and His nature build on the name before it. You will find yourself immediately drawn to Him as you discover He is not only your Creator. He is also your Provider. He is your Healer and your place of peace. He is your Protector, Guide, and constant Companion.
God knows us by our name (Isaiah 43:1). Shouldn’t we also know Him by His?
Click here to purchase a copy:
My Review:
First, let me begin this review by describing the book itself, because it’s an unusual size for a devotional book. This is a beautiful hardcover edition with a full-color cover illustration that sets the tone for the quality of this book. It’s a larger book than most devotional books, at 8.25 x 0.59 x 11 inches and a length 178 pages. Scattered throughout the book are some artwork pages (from Blue Chair Blessing) that feature verses to go along with each chapter. These pages look attractive on their own, or they would make wonderful coloring pages to add your own creative touch to the book. I’m very impressed by the hardback book itself. It would look great in any library setting.
However, it’s the devotional material inside the book that makes it an outstanding devotional and inspirational book. Each devotion centers around a particular Name of God and is around 5-7 pages long. The author has taken her extensive study on each name and given us the information in an understandable and heart-touching manner. Along with the content about each name, the author includes a personal reflection and a “Journal a Prayer” page at the end of each chapter.
You can easily read through these 16 names as a devotion for the day. However, as I’ve been reading, I’ve realized that I need to take the time to mine all the treasure that’s in these pages and do some personal journaling as I go through each chapter. This book is going to be a wonderful personal Bible study for me as I take the time to meditate on the scripture passages and the author’s thoughts. I’m hoping that you’ll want to take a look at this book and join me on this journey, too.
I received a copy of this book from the author. All opinions are my own.
Click here to read the first chapter of this book!
About the author
Patsy is a wife, mother of four, and grandmother. She is a Christian lifestyle blogger and content manager at InstaEncouragements.com. She has a heart for encouraging women to grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus Christ and then to share it with others. She drinks more coffee and eats more dark chocolate than the average person. Patsy lives in Atlanta, Georgia USA with her husband and Ellie the cat.
Thank you so much, Patti, for this beautiful review! 🙂