In this heartwarming series from Amy Lillard, three generations of women find the Oklahoma Amish community of Wells Landing a heaven-sent opportunity to take new…
Description In this new novel set in the beloved Oklahoma Amish community of Wells Landing, three generations of women challenge themselves and each other to…
Description For the Amish of Pontotoc, Mississippi, faith and family are everything—even when they pose the greatest challenge . . . Gracie Glick is known…
Kappy King and the Pie Caper Amy Lillard Publisher description: “Kathryn “Kappy” King’s skill at making kapps for the Amish women of Blue Sky, Pennsylvania,…
Book description from Amazon: For the Amish of Pontotoc, Mississippi, faith can open minds—and hearts—to create surprising bonds for a lifetime . . . …
A Home for Hannah Amy Lillard Zebra Publishing, 337 pages Published February 27, 2018 Description from “Fifteen years. That’s how long it’s…