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Review of “Talk the Walk-How To Be Right Without Being Insufferable” by Steve Brown

Steve Brown encourages Christians to step up to share

This attitude-altering book invites Christians to cultivate boldness and humility in communicating gospel truth. By uncovering self-righteousness and spiritual arrogance, Talk the Walk by pastor and author Steve Brown shatters stereotypes and helps believers consider how they present the good news without watering it down.

their faith and speak out on what they know is right.

The Christian faith is true, and while we may be right on issues of salvation and theology, we may miss the less articulated truths of humility, love, and forgiveness. We live in a culture that is increasingly hostile to Christians and their faith. Talk the Walk unpacks the call to “go out into the world” and share faith by being truthful and winsome. By helping men and women love others out of a deeper love in Christ—the one who first loved us—Talk the Walk helps Christians present the gospel clearly and with compassion.

Take a step back and look at others’ perceptions. Explore the tools necessary to accomplish an attitude change of confidence and humility, repentance and truth. Share the message of Christ without distorting it. Speak confidently without being cold. By operating out of humble gratitude for the gospel, begin to talk the walk of Christian faith, reflecting the love and truth of Jesus.

My Review:

You may or may not agree with everything in this book. I’ll let you read it.  I’ll be interested in your comments!

When I saw the subtitle of this book, I knew I wanted to read it.  Effectively sharing the truth of the Gospel, without watering down the message, seems to be more challenging than it was 30 years ago.  This book is at times admonishing, encouraging, and convicting. It’s also sometimes a little confusing, because I’m going to be thinking through a couple of his conclusions.  As the author walks us through times when he believes we should speak up and when we should be silent, he never lets us forget that we should speak (and live) the Truth in love.  Even though Christians are right, our attitude as we share the love of Christ with an unbelieving world will shout louder than our words.  Steve Brown gives us great examples of standing firm and speaking the Truth in love, yet doing it for the right reason and with the right motives.  

This book will definitely make you think as you read.  I’m glad for the challenge this pastor gives us through this book.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.