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Review of “Joyful Surrender” by Elisabeth Elliot


“In our age of instant gratification and if-it-feels-good-do-it attitudes, self-discipline is hardly a popular notion. Yet it may be one of the most important lost virtues of our time. In Joyful Surrender, former missionary and beloved author Elisabeth Elliot offers her understanding of discipline and its value for people of all times. She shows readers how to

– discipline the mind, body, possessions, time, and feelings

– overcome anxiety

– change poor habits and attitudes

– trust God in times of trial and hardship

– let Christ have control in all areas of life

Elliot masterfully and gently takes readers through Scripture, personal stories, and incisive observations of the world around her to help them discover the understanding that our fulfillment as human beings depends on our answer to God’s call to obedience.”

My Review:

There’s a timelessness about Elisabeth Elliott’s writing. This book was originally published in 1982.  Some of the issues and examples that the author uses to explain her points might be different if she had written this book in 2019.  But her sound wisdom, which is based on Biblical principles, shines through on every page of this book.  This is not some fluffy, all-about-me, how-can-I be-perfectly-happy book written in the snappy, breezy style of so many Christian authors today.  These are well-thought out chapters in which we are challenged about the disciplines of living the Christian life to please God first and live for His glory.  It’s going to take me a second reading of this book, and maybe even a third, to completely glean the wisdom she has to offer.  Elisabeth Elliot lived her life to serve her Lord, and we are blessed that she left behind these thoughts for us to ponder.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.